Modern Hebrew Verb Conjugation

Modern Hebrew Verb Conjugation

Are you ready to begin learning Modern Hebrew verb conjugation?

Great. But be advised. This is not something that is learned in one sitting. It takes time. Lots of time. Yet it’s totally worth it, and the resources on this page will help you get started.

Think of this as a journey, because it is. And, as is true of any journey in which you get to choose the pace, the destination, and the rest areas along the way, the rewards are experienced on a daily basis.


First, let’s make sure you have everything you need…

Have you ever prepared for a long road-trip?

There’s that moment when you’ve got the car loaded up and ready to go. Even the wife and each of the kids are in the car? 

Everyone has been looking forward to this trip.
Everyone is eager to go.

Of course.

But there’s always that one stop that you need to make―that one last thing that you need to do―before you actually get on the freeway.

Whatever it is, you just have to do it before you hit the open road.

Well, that’s kind of what we need to do here. A study of Hebrew verbs and how to conjugate them is like that long road trip and just like any road trip, there is that first stop that we need to make.

And what stop is that first stop?

It is Hebrew Pronouns.

Before you begin the long journey of learning how to conjugate Hebrew Verbs, you have to begin with an introduction to Hebrew Pronouns.

Don’t worry, this will just take 10 minutes.
Then we will be ready for the journey.

Hebrew Pronouns

YouTube Channel:  Tim McNinch

In this video, Tim McNinch concisely teaches us the Hebrew Pronouns, and this video is excellent. As you view it, Tim will point out the patterns in the Hebrew pronouns make it so much easier for you to remember them. This is one of those videos that demonstrates how Hebrew is actually a very logical and orderly language.

Wikipedia: Contents Box
Modern Hebrew verb conjugation

It’s almost always easier to pace yourself when you can actually see how long a journey is. With this in mind, the contents box on the Wikipedia page for Modern Hebrew verb conjugation is a detailed road map for the journey so that you can see the whole trip at a glance.


You have just seen a detailed outline of all the points of interest regarding the Modern Hebrew verb conjunction journey.

Online Conjugation Tools for Hebrew Verbs

There are a number of web-based verb conjugation tools to help you conjugate Hebrew verbs. Here are some that you can bookmark in your web browser.

Online Hebrew Verb Tables. Check Hebrew conjugation and inflection online. Learn the meaning of more than 7,000 Hebrew words. Pealim ( פְּעָלִים ) is the Hebrew word meaning “Verbs”, and Pealim.com offers a mobile app that provides Hebrew verb tables offline with instant search.
visit the website…

Hebrew Verbs 

Learn Hebrew in a simple, structured way.
Get Hebrew verbs delivered to your e-mail inbox for free.
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Verbix Hebrew Verbs Conjugator 
Conjugate Hebrew verbs instantly. Fill in the infinitive.
(Don’t use any capital letters.)
try it for yourself…

100 Basic Hebrew Verbs
Just press play and then scroll the page as you listen, read and learn frequently used Hebrew verbs. While you’re there, be sure to get the Anki files to accelerate your learning.
more on this…

Cooljugator | Hebrew
Large list of conjugated Hebrew verbs, all of which are available in their main forms and translations. 
see for yourself…

Hebrew Study Group | Because this language is amazing!