Do You Want to Learn Hebrew Faster?

Here are the two links that are referenced in the video:

Building Blocks

TeachMeHebrew.com: Tim Ferriss – Hebrew Deconstruction
Here you will find a list of sentences that can help you “deconstruct” a language quickly so that you can know where to put everything that you are learning.
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How to Learn (But Not Master) Any Language in 1 Hour…
How long does it take to “crack” the code or “deconstruct” a language? Using several examples, Tim Ferriss reveals his approach for “fast tracking” the learning process whenever you want to learn a new language.
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Let’s Learn Hebrew Faster

Have you ever seen a child completely dismantle a perfectly good toy? They were probably “disciplined” for it, but if we stop and think about it, it may actually have been a sign of intelligence.

When it comes to a complex topic or some new and challenging subject matter, how often have we asked people to “break it down” for us?

Breaking a thing down into its parts and piecing those parts back together is the key to understanding how a system works.

Now let’s apply this understanding to language-learning.

Simply stated, if you want to learn Hebrew faster, then you are going to have to deconstruct it.


Hebrew Language Deconstruction

Based upon a brilliant article about learning languages quickly, it may be possible for you to shorten the learning curve dramatically when it comes to learning Hebrew. 

The reasoning, presented at the beginning of the article, is as follows…

Before you invest (or waste) hundreds and thousands of hours on a language, you should deconstruct it.”

The article, published by Tim Ferris in 2007, describes his approach for becoming fluent in multiple languages quickly.

And the title of the article?


“How to Learn (But Not Master) Any Language in 1 Hour…”

This article literally cracks the language-learning code, and it does so in such a way that everything that you learn about the language will be more useful.

How so?

It is because you will know how to organize everything that you are learning.

Although he refers to a number of languages in the article, the one that he uses as a specific example is Arabic.

But if you are studying Hebrew, the approach is the same.

In fact, TeachMeHebrew.com has a page on their website in which they have already broken it all down for you based upon the Tim Ferris article, and it is one of the most valuable pages on their website. However, its value is easily missed unless you click over and take a few minutes to read the Ferris article.


Hebrew Deconstruction

The page that breaks it down for you at TeachMeHebrew.com is simply titled Hebrew Deconstruction

With respect to the value this represents in terms of the time that it could save, nothing more needs to be said. 

Learn Hebrew faster…


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